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Halley Lecture: Professor Amina Helmi

Halley Lecture: Professor Amina Helmi

Professor Amina Helmi, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute at the University of Groningen, will present the Halley Lecture, entitled "Dynamics and History of the Milky Way"

For full information and a link to register, please see the Eventbrite page.


Our understanding of the Milky Way and its constituents is undergoing a revolutionary change driven primarily by the Gaia space mission, and which is further reinforced when combined with spectroscopic surveys from the ground. In the Halley lecture, I will highlight a few of the results stemming from the analysis of the truly spectacular Gaia data releases. In particular, I will focus on the dynamics and history of the Milky Way, with special emphasis on what we have learned about its assembly thus far.

Attendees will be sent the Zoom link on the day of the lecture.

Any questions, please email

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